Hi, I'm Gina,

a digital communications and integrated media student interested in interactive media and data journalism. I write, communicate and solve problems.

Grumpy King Gong 👴🏻: A gamified meta experience

ROLE - Team design project TIMELINE - 13 Weeks TOOLS - DaVinci Resolve CLIENT: Autobahn Motors Project Overview Grumpy King Gong is a unique meta experience that combines technology, humour, and compassion to bring people together. The concept centres around…

Visualising drug abuse in singapore 💊

This data visualisation was done as an assignment for the course ‘Data Visualisation’ at SIT. The visualisation shows the rate of drug abuse across all age groups and its relationship to adverse childhood experiences. Sources were from Data.gov, SingStat and…

Visualising deadlines 📅

This data story was done as a personal project during school break for incoming freshmen. The visualisation shows the assignment deadlines for a freshman in the DCIM programme at SIT over the course of a year from 2021 to 2022.

Clappity: a goal-setting chatbot for students 👏

How might we foster a sense of community in the SIT student body which is lacking from the decentralised campuses through the use of outdoor screens? ROLE - Individual design project TIMELINE - 3 Weeks TOOLS - Figma Project Overview…