
So who are you?

My name is Gina Lim, a sophomore at the Singapore Institute of Technology currently studying Digital Communications and Integrated Media. In my past life, I was in Business specialising in Human Resources and International Business.

I started storytelling at the age of 8 in a notebook gifted by my teacher during Children's Day and have put my pen to paper since: content writing for the environmental conservation organisation, Back to Ground Zero, and taking part in creative writing and scriptwriting competitions; one of which landed me the second-runner up position for my pitch to network executives from IMDA on a story about Samsui Women!

This extended to my love of data visualisations later on when I discovered BI tools like Tableau. In Excel, I also utilise Power Query, Power Pivot and Dynamic Arrays for market research and UX Design. I enjoy combining technology and creativity for social good.

As a self-confessed philomath, I seek out learning opportunities—teaching myself programming languages like Python, and even enrolling in the KPMG Virtual Experience Programme.

Having created marketing campaigns for contests by FedEx and PUB as well as for companies, I also have experience structuring a narrative through digital marketing to create engaging content.


Anything not related to work?

On a weekend, you can find me hoarding plants at a nursery nearby or winding down with a cozy game. I also love sci-fi films and books 🙂

It is not the critic who counts, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

Drop me an email here!